NBC Divisions are used to deploy tactical nuclear, biological and chemical weapons on the battlefield. Nuclear weapons designed for use in tactical situations are made available to your forces. Tactical nukes are developed for deployment from large artillery pieces and short range surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missiles. The use of tactical nuclear weapons can affect your own troops and might result in severe collateral damage to the world and any population groups present during the fighting. Early chemical agents are crude, caustic gases designed to be deployed in aerosol form or by crude chemical warheads. Advances in chemical weapon technology improve the effectiveness and safety of such devices. Chemical weapons can sometimes serve to hinder your own troops in certain combat situations so they should be used with great care. Biological weapons are similar to their chemical counterparts but are tailored for use against specific enemy genetic types. Chemical agents and tactical nuclear warheads (by their very nature) are broad spectrum, while biological weapons are more specific in their use.
1 Imperial Army Soldiers
50,000 Steel
50,000 Textiles
100,000 Pharmaceuticals
50,000 Food Concentrates
50,000 tons
Ground Combat
Already learned - your empire starts with this technology.
Content contributed by Tom Carey.