Total Conversion Engines utilize tiny chunks of antimatter to continually charge a powerful magnetic bottle. Inside is a microscopically-small black hole that is prevented from tearing the ship apart with an incredibly potent antigraviton containment field Energy is extracted from the black hole in ways that no average citizen could possibly understand. It is otherwise a self-contained 100-ton unit, is self-sustaining and requires no external power source. To achieve superior maneuverability, simply add more engines to your design. Maneuverability aids in the ability of your ships to avoid certain types of enemy weapons, and provides additional Action Points for your ships to use during civilian operations. The basic antimatter power plant in this series of engines is stable under normal operating conditions but does not handle combat damage well, with a tendency to implode in a spectacular explosion upon suffering grievious damage. The unit contains multiple safety precautions to prevent it from obliterating the entire ship in the event of a catastrophic antigraviton field failure.
200 Advanced Steel
100 Advanced Electronics
100 Advanced Synthetic Materials
100 Advanced Processed Radioactives
100 tons
Jump Drive
Legendary (Thrust Output: 800)
Content contributed by Paul Griesbach.