Creation and modification of the entire physiological makeup of a lifeform is only possible with complete understanding of Species Engineering technology. As a result of completing this technology, your empire has gained 125 lifeform design points that can be used to alter the genetic makeup of your race. These points could be spent to counter a negative feature, add a new feature, or both. A new detrimental feature cannot be taken in addition to spending these points except in the case where your race is moving from up from a very negative feature to a less negative one in the same line (ie, moving from Carnivorous to Herbivorous). These points can be saved for future use or stockpiled to add in to what might be expected as more points from the development of superior Species Engineering.
Horizon Technology
1st Generation Genetic Engineering
2nd Generation Life Science
This Item cannot be manufactured, and is either a ground combat upgrade or a prerequisite for other technologies
Content contributed by Raven Zachary.